RAMFELT gun felt provide high and efficient cleaning.
Residues are reliably removed and cleaning oils are evenly distributed.
Developed by experts for experts.
Our mission is nothing less than the perfect and easy cleaning of your gun for the greatest safety
and the most accurate shot when it counts.
RAMFELT gun felt provide high and efficient cleaning.
Residues are reliably removed and cleaning oils are evenly distributed.
Our Rope System for gung cleaning offers optimal cleaning
through the perfect rotation in the gun barrel.
In the middle of the Lüneburger Heide in Germany we produce the best felt for you. With a background of 175 years of experience we are happy to share our best for your success.
Highly selected sheep wool is the base for outstanding gun cleaning results. Inspired by your passion and combined with our expertise these unique gun cleaners are created.
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For further information please contact sales@roeders-textiles.com
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